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Search results for Elizabeth George in AUTHOR

Following God With All Your Heart: Believing and Living God's Plan for You


Elizabeth George


In her upbeat, practical style, bestselling author Elizabeth George encourages women to embrace radical faith as they serve God by helping people and accomplishing His projects....
Members Edition: $16.09

Publishers Edition: $22.99

You pay: $7.49

Quiet Confidence for a Woman's Heart


Elizabeth George


Take a gentle journey through Psalm 23 with best-selling author Elizabeth George and explore 12 life-changing truths God wants you to know....
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $19.99

You pay: $7.49

A Mom After God's Own Heart: 10 Ways to Love Your Children


Elizabeth George


Elizabeth George's A Mother After God's Own Heart offers 10 principles to help moms make God an everyday part of their children's lives....
Members Edition: $18.19

Publishers Edition: $25.99

You pay: $7.49

A Woman After God's Own Heart: Making His Desire Your Own


Elizabeth George


Genuine peace and joy come when women follow God in every area of their lives and become women after His heart....
Members Edition: $10.49

Publishers Edition: $14.99

You pay: $7.49

Life Management for Busy Women: Living Out God's Plan with Passion and Purpose


Elizabeth George


This unique sourcebook will strike a chord with women hungering to live orderly lives that are a testimony to their faith....
Members Edition: $20.99

Publishers Edition: $29.99

You pay: $7.49

A Woman's High Calling: 10 Essentials for Godly Living


Elizabeth George


One of the greatest challenges women face is dealing with so many demands and expectations....
Members Edition: $13.99

Publishers Edition: $19.99

You pay: $7.49

A Woman's Call to Prayer: Making Your Desire to Pray a Reality


Elizabeth George


Women long for a meaningful prayer life but the demands of family, work, and home can get in the way of good intentions....
Members Edition: $19.59

Publishers Edition: $27.99

You pay: $7.49

Calico Captive


Elizabeth George Speare


Early one morning in 1754, the stillness of Charlestown, New Hampshire, is shattered by shrill war whoops and the terror of an Indian raid....
Members Edition: $13.96

Publishers Edition: $19.95

You pay: $7.49

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